About TimeTable
TimeTable is a tool for anyone who needs a visual timetable. It provides an easy way of scheduling the events for each of the maximum 20 timebars. With use of dragging, cut, copy & paste and multiple selections you can easily schedule your events. By working on the timetable in a visual way you can easily see overlapping events. Of course you can load/save your tables, put comments in it and print a report. TimeTable is provided with context sensitive help, which means if you click the question mark in the top right corner of each window, you get help concerning the clicked object.

· Fully scaleable with a maximum of 20 timebars.
· Drag & drop
· Multiple selections
· Cut, copy & paste events.
· Print reports.
· Load/save timetables (registered version only)
timetable_setup.exe (3192 KB) 28.Mar.2000 - TimeTable - V1.0 installation package for Windows ME/NT/2K/XP/Vista.